Cleanroom Testing and Certification Services
Regulatory Guidance / Test Methods:
We test and certify cleanrooms to ensure that facilities are compliant with the required standards and customer specifications. Our services are designed to meet regulatory, industry, and certification requirements according to various standards including: ISO, cGMP, CNBT, NSF, FDA, IEST, among others.
Cleanrooms should be certified annually at a minimum to ensure compliance with industry, regulatory, and client standards. Some clients certify every 3 or 6 months. In addition, tests should be performed after any significant changes in the cleanroom (i.e construction, equipment upgrades)
Primary Services
Filter Airflow Volume/Velocity and Uniformity
Filter leak tests
Non-viable particle counting cleanliness test
Room pressurization
Additional Services
Airflow visualization
Temp/RH% Testing
Light level testing
Sounds Level testing
Magnehelic gauge calibration and installation
HEPA filter replacement
Room recovery testing
Compressed Air/Gas Testing
Viable air and surface sampling
Mag Gauge Testing / Installation / Calibration
Why Choose CSI Testing
CSI has tested and certified controlled environments for over 45 years. When we started CSI testing we serviced Minneapolis and the surrounding areas. Today we service the entire Midwest. Our team has over 100 collective years of experience in the industry, serving over 600 medical device, pharmaceutical, academic, and other clients.
We test, certify, and service all controlled environments, including cleanrooms, biosafety cabinets, fume hoods, and isolators. We provide biosafety cabinets, cleanbenches and fume hood reports the same-day, and turnaround electronic cleanroom reports in two weeks. For any emergency, we can get a technician to your site quickly.
We are proudly 100% founder and employee owned. CSI is a certified minority business enterprise.
45 years of company history
Highly trained technicians (average 10-year tenure)
Report Turnaround
2 weeks for cleanrooms, same-day for hoods, BSCs, etc.
We take emergency calls seriously. We can get technicians on-site quickly
Founder and employee-owned. Certified minority business enterprise
Our Locations
We are a regional service provider
As a regional service provider, CSI Testing provides testing and certification services across the Midwest. We also service other states such as Florida, Texas, among others.